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Workflow Description

workflow example

Requirements for stages

To fit the carpenter stages into the proposed workflow they must satisfy some requirements.

data importTranslate data config into a data mapping - mapping should be dictionary-like and provide n-D array access
data mappingcopy on write; accommodate new data; GPU compatible; aliases → Index; filtering → Mask
IndexCallable (order?); uproot path: dir1/tree1/var1; alias: dir1.tree1.var1; expression: dir1__dot__tree1__dot__var1 (or use a simplified version)
Mask(expression)Callable, Mergable; merge via minary AND, OR: (mask1 | mask2)mask3, (mask1 & mask2)mask4
Operations(config)Callable, Mergable; Types: Define → new data; Cutflow → creates Masks + cutflow; Binning → createst Hists, tables; DataOut → creates ntuples/CSV/binary format

Merging functionality

  • Define stage: independent new entries → data.update
  • Cutflow stage: merging counts across files and datasets
  • Binning stage: merge bin entries (preserve datasets?)

→ each type of merge needs its own rules


For optimization, we need to be able to replicate stages across inputs - if applicable. Stage multiplexing will replicate a stage definition across inputs (previous stages, data import). Stages that merge data, will typically have different rules for muliplexing (none, reduce by N).

Under construction